The only thing green about nuclear power are the people who think it’s safe. by Lizabeth Rogers When you were growing up, how many people did you know who had cancer? How many do you know today? I began this odyssey, innocently enough in July 2009 when I led a filmmaking crew to South Dakota […]
Synthetic Vegan Cheese from Human DNA Strands Coming Soon?
A San Francisco based, synthetic biohacker group has made hundreds of headlines for creating cheese without the use of cows. Young biohackerspace people from BioCurious and CounterCultureLabs make up the group. They beat out 243 other groups to take first place at this year’s iGEM “jamboree” competition. iGEM stands for international genetically engineered machine. The winner’s […]
Your life is in the hands of TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company)
Years after the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns, we’re still seeing repercussions of the disaster, and the effects will likely continue for decades. This disaster is contributing to untold health concerns and environmental damage. A recent report from the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) says 2 trillion becquerels of radiation may have flowed into the Fukushima power […]
Be Careful of ANYTHING you consume that originates from the WEST COAST of America and Hawaii. When Radiation Fallout descends from the atmosphere and settles in an environment,it contaminates the Land, Sea, Air and Water for many hundreds or thousands of years.RADIOACTIVITY bio-magnifies and can be internally emitted in humans and animals by ingested food […]
Discover Moringa Superfood Treasure
Moringa appears to be a medicinal cornucopia. It is considered to be exceptionally nutritious and is sometimes referred to as the “miracle tree.” The bark, leaves and roots are thought to have medicinal properties and have been used for centuries in folk medicine for a variety of health-promoting purposes. Moringa oleifera is the most widely cultivated […]
Fruit Flies Fed Organic Diets Are Healthier Than Flies Fed Nonorganic Diets, Study Finds
Fruit flies raised on diets based on organic foods performed better on a variety of health tests, including fertility and longevity. A new study looking at the potential health benefits of organic versus non-organic food found that fruit flies fed an organic diet recorded better health outcomes than flies fed a nonorganic diet. The study […]
Big insurance is making a stand, GMOs need to go
Kaiser Permanente, the largest not-for-proft healthcare organization in the United States, is advising members to reduce their exposure to foods that contain ingredients known as genetically modified organisms (GMOs). These ingredients, quietly introduced into our food supply without labels or long-term safety studies, are either banned from or labeled in foods in dozens of countries around […]
Cancer-Causing Products In The Average Home
Cancer remains to be at the top of the list of the most common causes of fatalities. This fatal disease can affect anyone. Could you be using, or even consuming, cancer-causing chemicals? And there are everyday items that increase the risk of cancer. These products contain a wide-range of carcinogenic and other toxic ingredients and […]
Eden Foods Using BPA-Free Cans
You can sleep better knowing that Eden Organic’s cares about keeping it clean. No BPA in the cans, no non-organic ingredients used, and sodium is low. If you like the convenience of canned beans, Eden Organic is the way to go. Canned food not only provides long term storage and survives external contamination, but also […]
Hemp Seeds Are Nutritious Superfood
Though it may be just a small seed, hemp offers huge nutritional content. Hemp seeds are naturally a fantastic protein source: they contain all of the essential amino acids, are highly digestible, and are one of the highest sources of complete protein of all plant-based foods. Hemp is nothing to be afraid of. It’s not […]