As main component of essential oils, terpenes can inhibit the growth of different cancer cells. Researchers from the Ruhr-University Bochum headed by Prof Dr Dr Dr Hanns Hatt have analysed this process in liver cancer cells in detail. They shed light upon the molecular mechanisms that resulted in cancer cells stop growing, following the application […]
Dietary Anti-Cancer Compound May Work By Influence On Cellular Genetics
Researchers have discovered one of the reasons why broccoli may be good for your health. They found that sulforaphane, a dietary compound from broccoli that’s known to help prevent prostate cancer, may work through its influence on long, non-coding RNAs. This is another step forward in a compelling new area of study on the underlying […]
Risks from Lawn Care Pesticides
Pesticides are intentionally toxic substances. Some chemicals commonly used on lawns and gardens have been associated with birth defects, mutations, adverse reproductive effects, and cancer in laboratory animals. EPA permits over 200 different pesticides to be used for lawn care, and these are often mixed together and sold as chemical combinations. Approximately 35 pesticides are […]
Drinking Coffee Daily May Improve Survival In Colon Cancer Patients
Regular consumption of caffeinated coffee may help prevent the return of colon cancer after treatment and improve the chances of a cure, according to a new, large study from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute that reported this striking association for the first time. The patients, all of them treated with surgery and chemotherapy for stage III colon […]
Natural Compound Could Improve Treatment Of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
More than 100 women die from breast cancer every day in the United States. Triple-negative breast cancers, which comprise 15 to 20 percent of all breast tumors, are a particularly deadly type of breast disease that often metastasize to distant sites. Now, University of Missouri researchers have found that luteolin, a natural compound found in […]
Is Your Home Harming You? New Research Highlights Deadly Effects Of Indoor Pollution
New research published in the journal Science of the Total Environment has highlighted the dangerous effects of indoor pollution on human health, and has called for policies to ensure closer monitoring of air quality. A collaborative effort of European, Australian and UK researchers, led by the University of Surrey, assessed the harmful effects of indoor […]
2017 It’s Time To Come Clean
Most of household food budgets are spent on processed foods, the majority of which are filled with additives and stripped of nutrients. Discover which common ingredients in the foods you eat pose the greatest risk to your health. Ultra-processed foods are formulations of several ingredients. Besides salt, sugar, oils and fats, they include substances not generally […]
Fukushima Radiation Is Constantly Increasing, And Is Steadily Building Up In Our Food Chain
Cesium-134, the fingerprint of seaborne radiation from the nuclear disaster at Fukushima in Japan, has been detected on the West Coast of the United States for the first time, as well as in Canadian salmon. Seaborne radiation from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster has been detected in seawater samples taken from Tillamook Bay and Gold Beach […]
Help Mothers In Fukushima Start A Health Clinic Next To The Radiation Lab
The mothers of Fukushima need the support of people from all over Japan and around the world to make the Mothers’ Radiation Lab & Clinic Fukushima a reality. Help in any way you can. The children of Fukushima are still exposed to the invisible threat of radiation. We are now urgently working to start up […]
Is Your Toothpaste Full Of Carcinogens?
You might not think twice about the chemicals in your cosmetics, in the way you would worry about absorbing chemicals from food, but that’s what happens every time you brush your teeth. And with the ever increasing knowledge about the harm that some of these chemicals are doing, it certainly is something to worry about. […]