Thousands of chemicals are used in clothes manufacturing. Researchers have examined if there are chemicals in the clothes we buy as well. Several substances related to health risks were identified and not even organic cotton was a guarantee for non-toxic textiles. In a new thesis 60 garments from Swedish and international clothing chains have been […]
Cannabidiol (CBD) Offers A Host Of Medicinal Uses
Cannabidiol (CBD), an active substance in the cannabis plant, offers a host of medicinal uses. There are at least 85 active cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant. CBD doesn’t have psychoactive effects, meaning you won’t get high by ingesting it. It is a major phytocannabinoid, accounting for up to 40% of the plant’s extract. CBD is considered […]
Researchers develop novel ketone supplements to enhance non-toxic cancer therapy
A team of researchers has doubled survival time in an aggressive metastatic cancer model using a novel combination of non-toxic dietary and hyperbaric oxygen therapies. The study, ‘Non-toxic metabolic management of metastatic cancer in VM mice: novel combination of ketogenic diet, ketone supplementation, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy,’ was published online today in PLOS ONE. Led […]
Sugars In Western Diets Increase Risk For Breast Cancer
The high amounts of dietary sugar in the typical Western diet may increase the risk of breast cancer and metastasis to the lungs, according to a study at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. The findings, published in the Jan. 1, 2016 online issue of Cancer Research, demonstrated dietary sugar’s effect on an […]
Roundup Is Toxic To The Heart
Roundup had toxic effects on the hearts of rabbits and rats in a new study led by Steeve Gress and conducted in the lab of Prof Gilles-Eric Seralini. Doses were equivalent to those that would be expected in acute poisoning incidents. The hearts were tested “ex vivo” – removed from the animals at the time […]
Some Chemicals In E-Cigarette Flavors Linked To Respiratory Disease
Diacetyl, a flavoring chemical linked to cases of severe respiratory disease, was found in more than 75 percent of flavored electronic cigarettes and refill liquids tested by researchers. Two other potentially harmful related compounds were also found in many of the tested flavors, which included varieties with potential appeal to young people such as Cotton […]
Pomegranate Both Prevents And Reverses Atherosclerosis
Fresh pomegranate or pomegranate juice each day can go a long way to keep the heart healthy. Heart disease is a leading cause of death, often related to atherosclerosis, i.e., thickening of arterial walls due to plaque buildup. Scientific studies about pomegranate Back in 2000, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, […]
Tampons, Sanitary Pads and Sterile Gauze Contaminated with Glyphosate
One hundred percent of the raw cotton and sterile cotton gauze contained glyphosate (a probably carcinogenic herbicide according to the World Health Organization) or its metabolite AMPA, according to a study by the Socio-Environmental Interaction Space (EMISA) of the University of La Plata, Argentina. Cotton swabs, wipes, tampons and sanitary pads were also found to […]
Health Survey In Fukushima Covered Up By Japanese Media-Radiation Causing Unusual Changes
A health survey in Fukushima covered up by the Japanese Media? This is OurPlanet TV. I’m Hajime Shiralshi. Today’s “contAct” features the theme of “Radiation Causing Unusual Changes.” Transcript – It’s been four months since the accident of Fukushima-1 Nuke Plant and an increasing number of people are worrying about their health. OurPlanet-TV asked the […]
Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health in the United States of America
Is rising glyphosate use responsible for increases in modern diseases? Claire Robinson looks at the latest study to raise the question Is the rise in glyphosate use since the advent of GM crops responsible for the rapid deterioration of health in the US in the last 20 years? A new study by former US Navy […]