Is rising glyphosate use responsible for increases in modern diseases? Claire Robinson looks at the latest study to raise the question Is the rise in glyphosate use since the advent of GM crops responsible for the rapid deterioration of health in the US in the last 20 years? A new study by former US Navy […]
Poisoned Planet: How Constant Exposure to Man-Made Chemicals Is Putting Your Life at Risk
We want things to be cheap, convenient and useful. Our food arrives contaminated with pesticides and wastes, wrapped in plastic made of hormone-disrupting chemicals. We bathe and dress our children in petrochemicals. Even our coffee contains miniscule traces of arsenic, cup by cup adding to the toxins accumulating in our bodies. Man-made chemicals are creating […]
Cancer on the Rise in Post-Fukushima Japan
In Fairewinds’ latest update of the ongoing nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima Daiichi, Chief Engineer Arnie Gundersen presents two reports that confirm the direct link of numerous cancers in Japan to the triple meltdown. Based upon data from Japanese medical professionals and utility owner of the meltdown site, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Arnie concludes that heavy […]
Fukushima Radiation Detected Off All U.S West Coast States In 2015
Fukushima nuclear waste is now being found off all U.S. states on West Coast. The radiation was detected near the shorelines of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska this summer. The highest radiation was just miles from San Francisco. Click on the map below for a link to check the test results. The release of radioactive contaminants […]
GMO Ingredients Found in Gerber Baby Snack
GMO Free USA today published the results of independent lab testing which documented that Gerber Lil’ Crunchies Veggie Dip Baked Whole Grain Corn toddler snack contains high levels of herbicide tolerant, insecticide producing genetically engineered corn. The public interest nonprofit recently launched a program to test popular food products for genetically engineered ingredients (GMOs), as […]
Effect of Popular Herbicide on Rats Shows it Can Disturb Hormonal Balance
A group from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bengaluru, has tested the effects of a commonly used herbicide named Roundup on hormonal balance in rats. In a recently published paper in the journal Toxicology Reports, Prof Medhamurthy Rudraiah at MRDG, IISC, and his student Aparamita Pandey say that Roundup can cause imbalances in the […]
Court Rejects USDA Motion to Dismiss Lawsuit on Organic Change Rule
On Thursday September 10, a federal judge in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, in a bench ruling, rejected the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) motion to dismiss a federal lawsuit (Case3:15-cv-01690) that challenges the National Organic Program’s (NOP) failure to follow proper legal procedures in making a substantial rule change to the […]
Breastfeeding may expose infants to toxic chemicals
A widely used class of industrial chemicals linked with cancer and interference with immune function–perfluorinated alkylate substances, or PFASs–appears to build up in infants by 20%-30% for each month they’re breastfed, according to a new study co-authored by experts from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. It is the first study to show the […]
Manhatten Project landfill fire smouldering in St. Louis
It’s “when” not “if” an underground Manhatten Project fire at the Bridgeton landfill reaches nuclear waste in the nearby West Lake landfill, St. Louis County. For five years, the people of the St. Louis County neighborhoods surrounding the site have endured noxious smells released by the combusting waste. WWII era Manhattan Project atomic weapons production waste has […]
New test detects all viruses that infect people, animals
A new test detects virtually any virus that infects people and animals, according to research at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, where the technology was developed. Many thousands of viruses are known to cause illness in people and animals, and making a diagnosis can be an exhaustive exercise, at times requiring a […]