Fukushima nuclear waste is now being found off all U.S. states on West Coast. The radiation was detected near the shorelines of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska this summer. The highest radiation was just miles from San Francisco. Click on the map below for a link to check the test results. The release of radioactive contaminants […]
Heavy Rains From Typhoon Etau Cause Leaks At Fukushima Daiichi
Heavy rains from Typhoon Etau caused intermittent drainage overflows at Fukushima Daiichi on Sept. 9. The water involved appears to have been tainted. The overflow was from channels that drain surface water from various parts the facility. None of this surface water comes in contact with the more highly contaminated parts of the facility and, […]
California Seals Dying From Leukemia (FUKUSHIMA RADIATION)
Dead baby seals have been plaguing the coast of California. Recent lab reports reveal that the cause of death for many baby seals was disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), adding further evidence that marine life has been contaminated by radiation from the Fukushima disaster. DIC is not a disease in and of itself. It is a […]
TEPCO Live Feed Tokyo Electric Power Company
Official TEPCO live footage of Fukushima nuclear reactor complex located at ground zero. As stated on their official website https://www.tepco.co.jp/nu/f1-np/camera/ the video is delivered 30 seconds late. You might also want to check out the TBS/JNN live webcamera that gives a much better view of the crippled building No 4 and is by our opinion a much more […]
Documentary Tells Tale Of Most Radioactive Man In Japan
The town of Tomioka (population 16,000) is well within the designated danger zone and was evacuated on March 12. To this day it remains a ghost town, save for one man: Naoto Matsumura, a fifth generation rice farmer in his early 50s. On March 11, 2011 an earthquake and tsunami resulted in multiple meltdowns at Fukushima […]
Japan Reduces Radiation Testing On Food Items
If nobody tests for radiation in food stuffs, does it mean it doesn’t contain radiation. The Japanese Ministry of Health and Labor announced testing for radioactive cesium in food will be scaled down. They have been testing only 132 food items to begin with. Ministry of Health and Labor announced that the radioactivity testing for […]
Bluefin Tuna Still Contaminated With Fukushima Radiation
A Stanford University study measures, and finds, radioactive cesium levels in bluefin tuna for the second year in a row. They showed that a bluefin tuna is capable of picking up radioactive material and transporting it across the ocean. In 2011, radiocesium from Fukushima was detected in Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, that had recently […]
Fukushima City Government Sells Bottled Fukushima Tapwater
In order to dispel harmful rumor, Fukushima city government is selling bottled tapwater at conference or events held in the city. (100 yen for 500ml) Fukushima City Waterworks Bureau has embarked on a PR safety. ‘Safe and delicious’ a bottle of tap water in Fukushima. They started selling it in 2008, but renewed the label last year […]
Fukushima Fish Tests 2,500 Times Over Legal Radiation Limit
Two years after the disaster at the Fukushima Daichi nuclear plant in Japan — called the “worst accidental release of radiation to the ocean in history” — a fish with staggering levels of radiation has reportedly been found in the vicinity of the plant. A fish caught as part of an ongoing Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) seafood monitoring […]
Is TEPCO Involved In Fukushima Cover-Up?
Is TEPCO involved in Fukushima cover-up? It is bad enough to have a radiological contamination effect from Fukushima impacting the world food supply. But to have the very company in charge of getting the meltdowns under control to alter pictures of the reactor reeks of cover-up. Definition of cover-up from Merriam-Webster: cover-up (cov•er-up) noun | […]