INGREDIENTS is a journey that reveals the people behind the movement to bring good food back to the table and health back to our communities. At the focal point of this movement, and of this film, are the farmers and chefs who are creating a truly sustainable food system. Their collaborative work has resulted in […]
Amalgam Fillings In Your Mouth Are Poisoning You (Video)
Dr. Huggins spoke in New Zealand about heavy metal poisoning and the health benefits of having your amalgam fillings removed. Dr. Higgins explains how mercury vapor leaches from dental amalgams, attacks the brain and central nervous system, leading to a raft of diseases. Dental amalgam is a dental filling material used to fill cavities caused […]
Cracked Fukushima Radioactive Steam Escapes Danger Zone
Workers at Japan’s Fukushima plant say the ground under the facility is cracking and radioactive steam is escaping through the cracks. The cooling system at the plant failed after the devastating tsunami hit Japan in March, sparking a nuclear crisis. But new evidence suggests that Fukushima reactors were doomed to cripple even before the massive […]
GM Crops – Farmer To Farmer (video)
Michael Hart, a conventional livestock family farmer, has been farming in Cornwall for nearly thirty years and has actively campaigned on behalf of family farmers for over fifteen years, travelling extensively in Europe, India, Canada and the USA. In this short documentary he investigates the reality of farming genetically modified crops in the USA ten […]