A clinical trial has shown that in older people, a diet supplemented with cocoa flavanols– naturally occurring compounds found in cocoa beans – may improve performance on a specific memory task. The study is published on Monday 15 February in the journal Scientific Reports. Researchers from Columbia University and New York University recruited 211 healthy […]
Dietary cocoa flavanols improve blood vessel function in patients with kidney dysfunction
Consuming a beverage containing cocoa flavanols improves blood vessel function in patients with kidney failure, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN). The findings suggest that the plant-derived compounds may benefit the cardiovascular health of patients with poor kidney function. Individuals with […]
Chocolate Not Equal To Beneficial Cocoa
A 2011 Harvard study found that organic compounds called flavonoids that are contained in cacao (the bean used to make chocolate) are associated with reduced blood pressure as well as improved blood vessel health, cholesterol levels and general blood flow. “All of these things are protective against heart disease,” says Eric Ding, PhD, conductor of […]