Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ate salmon and rice from Naraha Town in Fukushima Prefecture to prove that reconstruction is moving forward step by step.
Message from Prime Minister Shinzo Abe: I received delicious salmon and rice from the town of Naraha in Fukushima Prefecture. Grilled salmon is really the perfect accompaniment to white rice. The salmon had just the right amount of fat and the rice, perfect in its stickiness, also had a nice sweetness.
I visited Naraha last month and I was encouraged by what the residents who had returned there said to me. “I like this town, so I returned here once the evacuation order was lifted. I am going to do my best to help Naraha.” The salmon was caught during fishing that resumed last month after five years. It is proof that reconstruction is moving forward step by step.
Residents’ feelings towards their hometowns are the driving force for reconstruction. I will continue to make my utmost efforts to restore their hometowns at the earliest possible time.
This was the first time the fishing operations took place since the nuclear disaster at the nearby Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, which was caused by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami.
Most of Naraha is located within the 20-kilometer-radius evacuation zone surrounding the stricken plant, but the evacuation order was lifted for the entire town on Sept. 5, 2015.
Some of the fish caught were salmon fry that were released into the Kidogawa in early March 2011 before the disaster, which had returned to the river as adults to spawn.
The green light was given by authorities for shipping Kidogawa river salmon after a survey conducted by the Fukushima prefectural government found that levels of radioactive materials detected in the fish were below the central government’s safety standard of 100 becquerels per kilogram.
(Originally posted at 19:01, Monday, November 9, 2015 in Japanese)
PM Abe eats salmon in #Naraha caught in the Kido River near #Fukushima NPS for the 1st time in 5yrs (Nov 9)
— TEPCO (@TEPCO_English) November 18, 2015
Nuclear scientists have said that it will take over a hundred years to stop the nuclear waste water from leaking into the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, the two massive Pacific Ocean currents collide off the coast of Fukushima and all Pacific sea life spawn there. This causes the massive accumulation of radioactive waste buildup in their flesh and bones. When pseudo scientists, whether schooled or not, publish false information about the severity and the loss of the Pacific Ocean, they are giving the go ahead to consume a very deadly food, especially to pregnant mothers.
There is a conspiracy going on, since the Fukushima meltdowns. Most of the news media is sponsored by the nuclear energy companies and the U.S. Government is complicate in this, as well.
Tweets about Fukushima fish
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4. Claim radiation exposures are acceptable and that no one will die.
5. And lastly, minimize conflicting information given to the press through paid off experts.