Lewis Howes interviews Dr. Ekberg covering topics such as what foods you should eat and what foods you should avoid.
They cover best natural ways to increase human growth hormone, the most common mistakes people make with their health and so much more!
Dr. Ekberg covers health tips like healthy foods to eat, nutrition, weight loss, healthy keto diet, low carb foods, intermittent fasting, holistic health tips, lower blood pressure, reverse insulin resistance, reduce stress, how to exercise, thyroid issues, brain health, stretches & more.
Dr. Ekberg’s Health Channel focuses on all aspects of Natural Health & Wellness featuring Olympic decathlete & holistic doctor, Dr. Sten Ekberg with Wellness For Life. You’ll learn to master holistic health, stay healthy naturally, live longer and have quality of life by learning how the body really works.
His website is https://www.DrEkberg.com
Topics covered this video are: Eat real food, Low carb, Insulin resistance, What is insulin resistance, What is fat, Top Foods, Does All Carbs Turn Into Sugar, Vegans vs Carnivores, What did you notice when you became vegan, Are you going to be more defcient, Inside Tracker, Carnivore, Nightshades, Three foods to eliminate, Nonsugar sweeteners, Reducing insulin , Intermittent fasting, Low fat craze, Diabetes, Metabolism, Weight Loss, Stress, High Intensity, and High Intensity Exercise.