(Organic Slant) Is the Ebola virus a Fukushima induced mutation? Is the complexity of the Fukushima disaster including long-duration continuous release of radiation a contributing factor.
Trillions of radioactive elements were released at the initial meltdowns of reactors and through the incineration of debris cleanup.
Is it possible that the deposition of the radioactive isotopes created an environment for the Ebola virus to mutate?
The intial release deposited radioactive fallout on the western side of landmasses around the world including Africa.
The concern is that radiation dispersal can effect not only disease, but also influence genetic code to induce mutations, in humans, and also a virus like Ebola as well.
The first recognition of the Ebola disease was in 1976 occured in Zaire (Democratic Republic of the Congo-DRC), occuring in Yambuku and surrounding area.
The 2014 Ebola outbreak is one of the largest Ebola outbreaks in history and the first in West Africa. It is affecting four countries in West Africa: Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone.
Ionizing radiation can be toxic, mutagenic, and carcinogenic.
In genetics, a mutation is a change of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal genetic element. Mutations result from unrepaired damage to DNA or to RNA genomes (typically caused by radiation or chemical mutagens), errors in the process of replication, or from the insertion or deletion of segments of DNA by mobile genetic elements.
A DNA damage can cause an error when the DNA is replicated, and this error of replication can cause a gene mutation that, in turn, could cause a genetic disorder.
Mutation can result in several different types of change in sequences. Mutations in genes can either have no effect, alter the product of a gene, or prevent the gene from functioning properly or completely.
How much radiation???
The Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 resulted in the tragic accident at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) and subsequently uncontrolled release of radioactive contaminants into the atmosphere. […] The radioactive gases and particles released in the accident were dispersed over the middle latitudes of the entire northern hemisphere and for the first time also measured in the southern Hemisphere. Isotopes of iodine and cesium were detected in air, water, milk and food samples collected across the entire northern hemisphere.
NHK, Jul. 23, 2014: [More than one trillion becquerels of radioactive substances were released […] with an estimate that the removal work discharged 280 billion becquerels per hour of radioactive substances, or a total of 1.1 trillion becquerels. The plant is believed to be still releasing an average of 10 million becquerels per hour […]
Gov’t Report: Fukushima released up to 181 Quadrillion Bq of cesium, Chernobyl was 105 Quadrillion — Radioactive material to flow from Japan “for years to come” — Fukushima radionuclides have now spread “throughout N. Pacific”
New report estimates 278 trillion Bq of plutonium released from Fukushima reactors — Over 200 times higher than amount reported by Tepco — “Highly radiotoxic when incorporated into human body” as it decays
Safecast Radiation Readings From Inside Fukushima Daichi Plant Finally Revealed In Dec. 2013 – 192 USv/Hr, 5,900,000 CPM.
The Spread of Ebola Outbreaks (1976-2015)
The disease is caused by infection with Ebola virus, named after a river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire) in Africa, where it was first recognized. The virus is one of two members of a family of RNA viruses called the Filoviridae. There are five identified subtypes of Ebola virus. Four of the five have caused disease in humans. The fifth, Ebola-Reston, has caused disease in nonprimates, but not in humans.”
View The Spread of Ebola Outbreaks (1976-2015) in a larger map |
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team: West Africa Ebola Outbreak Response
2014 West Africa Ebola Response is an Activation of the Humanitarian OSM Team to provide map data to assist the response to this disease outbreak. On March 24th our organization received a request to activate to assist Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders.
Low Dose Radiation Causes Bacteria And Viruses to Mutate
Mutations are generally MORE common in lower organisms, due to their shorter lifespans. That is why bacteria and viruses can evolve or devolve faster than human beings or animals with much longer life spans. Super bacteria developed resistance to antibiotics fairly quickly, and now thrive in antibiotic environments.
400 plus nuclear plants and numerous nuclear accidents have released massive amounts of artificial man made radioactive elements into the global environment. Contrary to pro nuclear industry apologists, these ‘diluted’ heavy metal poisons and radioactive ‘bullets’ bio concentrate and accumulate up the food chain to humans, causing a huge variety of problems.
It is well known that radiation can cause mutations in bacteria and viruses. Andrei Sakharov, the famous Russian physicist, described in his 1992 Memoirs that even at low levels radiation could increase mutations of bacteria and viruses.
His predictions, which were originally made in 1958, have come true and we are seeing new ailments such as Reye’s syndrome which first appeared in 1963, and Legionnaires’ disease, which is caused by a bacteria that was not threatening prior to 1976.
Of particular interest is Lyme Disease which first appeared in 1975 near the Millstone and Haddam Neck nuclear power plants in Connecticut. Dr. Jay Gould points out:
In 1975 there were 59 cases of Lyme Disease recorded; in 1985 the number increased to 863, mainly in the two counties of Middlesex and New London, CT near the Millstone Nuclear Power Plant. Just as increases in cancer may be linked to the huge radiation release from Millstone in 1975, so too may be the tick-borne Lyme disease epidemic.
The Lyme Disease is carried by a spirochete that had not been as harmful to humans prior to 1975. It is well known that radiation can cause mutations in bacteria. The enormous 1975 Millstone radiation release may have caused just such a mutation in the tick-borne spirochete.” (Gould, J and B Goldman. Deadly Deceit: Low-level Radiation, High-level Cover-up. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1990.)
Ebola mutated SUPER lethal viruses may be the result of low doses of radiation making them mutate just like other viruses and bacteria have been above, or they may be from escapees from bio weapons labs; see details below. Whether the viruses became stronger for one reason or the other does not matter much, as this and other super viruses and super bacteria are now loose on the world stage and exponentially infecting more and more people.
Super bugs are not only becoming more common, they are also becoming more and more lethal, with each generation of them. It is a well known fact that viruses and bacteria mutate. What most medical authorities fail to talk about is how the modern medical system and nuclear industry actually CAUSES and creates these superbugs in many ways.
Flesh eating bacteria that can kill a person in three days did not exist until after antibiotics were common and being used on factory farms.
Ebola did exist in ancient times, but it was not something to worry about and only killed a very small percentage of people infected, much like the average flu bug. Today, flu causes many more deaths as these bugs are much more lethal and stronger. Where the flu used to knock a person down for a day, maybe up to 2 or 3 days, now the average flu virus is much stronger, so that people are in bed for a week to a month and many more people die from it.
Map from Christdoudias and Lelieveld (2013) of depositions of Iodine 131 and Cesium 134 and 137:
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Based on emissions from Fukushima in the period of March to early May 2011. Unfortunately, models are just that – educated, best estimates, based on available information and interpretation of that information. They have modeled only a few of the radionuclides, which fell from the air.
Notice the whole northern hemisphere recieved fallout from the nuclear accident. With the oceans being contaminated along with the air, western Africa was receiving a double dose of radiation.
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Turn Off All Nuclear Reactors And Dismantle All Nuclear Weapons
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Effective and inexpensive cures for the Ebola virus exist
Vitamin C cures Ebola
The Ebola virus can be destroyed naturally
To date, not a single virus has been tested that is not inactivated (killed) by a large enough dose of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Many other antioxidants have similar virucidal effects, but vitamin C appears uniquely to be of greatest potency and clinical efficacy, as its simple chemical structure allows for it to be disseminated throughout the body with little restriction.
As such, it is able to effectively address viral populations present in both the intracellular and extracellular spaces. Other antioxidants have been found to have higher ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) values – measurements which are used to quantify the antioxidant capacity of supplements (or foods). However, a virus can never be incapacitated by a potent antioxidant if the chemical structure of that antioxidant does not permit direct contact between the virus and the antioxidant.
Vitamin C is both very potent and optimally bioavailable in accessing any viral infection.
Why is vitamin C so effective in killing viruses?
A primary way in which vitamin C destroys viruses, or sets them up for destruction by the immune system, is by activating the ‘Fenton reaction’. In a nutshell, this reaction can proceed inside the virus, inside cells in which viruses are replicating, and on the surfaces of the viruses themselves.
The result of this reaction that is stimulated by the presence of vitamin C, one or more transition metal cations, and the local presence of peroxide is the immediate production of hydroxyl radicals. These radicals are the most reactive oxidizing agents ever identified. As such, they radically upregulate oxidative stress and end up destroying whatever is in their immediate environment.
The effects of vitamin C in “mopping up” after it inflicts its viral damage are further supported by its potent and multifaceted support of the immune system. There is no other substance that singularly does as much to promote increased and strong immune function as vitamin C.
Among many other effects, vitamin C directly stimulates interferon and antibody production, while effectively supercharging the functions of the white blood cells by becoming very concentrated inside those cells.
To be balanced, it is also important to note that the effects of vitamin C on chronic viral infections, such as chronic hepatitis, AIDS, or HIV-positive states are less profound, as the virus works its way into physical locations much less accessible by vitamin C than when the viral infections are acute. Nevertheless, long-term, highly-dosed protocols of vitamin C often completely control and even occasionally cure these diseases.
O.K. – let’s talk about the clinical results
The actual evidence showing what vitamin C has done and can continue to do if properly utilized is there for anyone to see and review. The ‘multi-C protocol’ will reverse and cure any viral syndrome if secondary organ damage has not already advanced too far. Even then, many cases that would seem hopeless can still show dramatic clinical responses.
Review for yourself the incredible clinical results of Frederick Klenner, MD, – who is truly the father of the clinical applications of vitamin C. Also, check out the H1N1 patient in New Zealand who was going to be taken off of life support when vitamin C finally came to the rescue. (it’s the 1st video on the page)
Genomics, Medicine, and Pseudoscience: A breakthrough cure for Ebola
Last week, in what may be the biggest medical breakthrough of its kind in years, a group of scientists published results in The Lancet describing a completely new type of anti-viral treatment that appears to cure Ebola. They report a 100% success rate, although admittedly the test group was very small, just 4 rhesus monkeys.
This is a breakthrough not only because it may give us a cure for an uncurable, incredibly nasty virus, but also because the same method might work for other viruses, and because we have woefully few effective antiviral treatments. We can treat bacterial infections with antibiotics, but for most viruses, we have either a vaccine or nothing. And a vaccine, wonderful as it is, doesn’t help you after you’re already infected.
The scientists, led by Thomas Geisbert at Boston University, used a relatively new genomics technique called RNA interference to defeat the virus. Here’s how it works. First, a little background: the Ebola virus is made of RNA, just like the influenza virus. And just like influenza, Ebola has very few genes – only 8. One of its genes, called L protein, is responsible for copying the virus itself. Two others, called VP24 and VP35, interfere with the human immune response, making it difficult for our immune system to defeat the virus.
Geisbert and his colleagues (including scientists from Tekmira Pharmaceuticals and USAMRIID) designed and synthesized RNA sequences that would stick to these 3 genes like glue. How did they do that? We know the Ebola genome’s sequence – it was sequenced way back in 1993. And we know that RNA sticks to itself using the same rules that DNA uses. This knowledge allowed Geisbert and colleagues to design a total of 10 pieces of RNA (called “small interfering RNA” or siRNA) that they knew would stick to the 3 Ebola genes. They also took care to make sure that their sticky RNA would not stick to any human genes, which might be harmful. They packaged these RNAs for delivery by inserting them into nanoparticles that were only 81-85 nanometers across.
In the key experiment, the scientists infected rhesus monkeys with a dose of Ebola that was 30,000 times greater than the normal fatal dose. They injected the siRNA treatments 30 minutes later, and again each day for 6 days. All the monkeys survived with no long-term effects.