In just 16 minutes, Don’t Let the Gene Out of the Bottle sounds the alarm on the planet-critical threat of gene-edited microbes and how we can come together, make our voices heard, and demand proper regulation and containment of this nature-bending technology.
Don’t Let the Gene Out of the Bottle powerfully conveys the threat to the human and environmental microbiomes as well as the permanent corruption of nature’s gene pool.
Yet it inspires hope, revealing viable solutions to protect nature from this gene-altering technology, sometimes referred to as GMO 2.0.
The movie inspires powerful emotions and a desire to take action.
It presents real-world examples of lab-enhanced GMOs with the capacity to cause catastrophes such as threatening terrestrial plant life, altering weather patterns, or even creating enhanced viruses far more dangerous than COVID-19.
The film features experts in the field such as Dr. Elaine Ingham, Dr. Jonathan Latham, Claire Robinson, Kiran Krishnan, Jim Thomas and Michelle Perro, M.D.
It’s time to apply the brakes to our experimentation with nature, at least until we have grown a little wiser.